Elementary // Bible Timeline Week 5

Memory Verse:
“You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me.” John 5:39 (NIV)

Bible Timeline Eras

Silence and Gospels

Key Words

Waiting and Messiah

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. There were no books of the bible written during the 400 years of the silence era. If God was silent, does that mean He wasn’t doing anything? (No! He was getting things ready for Jesus to come.)  

  2. Read Matthew 4:23 – Which of Jesus’ miracles is your favorite? 

  3. Read Hebrew 4:15 – How does it make you feel knowing that Jesus understands our weaknesses? 

  4. Read John 3:16-17 - How did God show His love for us? (By sending His one and only son to die for us so that those who believe can have eternal life with Him)  


Sometime while you’re in the car this week, talk to your kids about what they look forward to telling their friends about (i.e. a story from the weekend, an event they’re going to, a funny story from soccer practice, etc.) Ask them if they remember what the word “Gospel” means (good news). Discuss if it they think of the Gospel as good news to share; why or why not? Then discuss if there is a friend who needs to hear this good news. Pray together for an opportunity to share before you get out of the car, and don’t forget to follow up when everyone is back home!