As we recap Paul's last letter, we see perseverance. Paul, despite sitting in a jail cell waiting to be executed, was not trying to save his life; rather, he was trying to point people to the Savior.
Read MoreThis passage is the final and ultimate charge of 2 Timothy. Paul, nearing his last days, tells Timothy to preach the Word, pour himself out, and continue to pass on ministry.
Read MoreSue Bohlin unpacks Paul’s teaching regarding keys to remaining faithful during these difficult “last days.”
Read MoreThe second half of 2 Timothy 2 has much to say about being ready for every good work. Rightly handling the word of truth, cleansing oneself from anything that is dishonorable, and fleeing youthful passions while pursuing righteousness lead us to a fruitful life in Christ.
Read MoreIn this section of Scripture, Paul tells Timothy to endure in his faith by sharing in suffering. A pleasing soldier, a crowned athlete, and a hard-working farmer are examples he uses to point us to the allegiance, obedience, and patience that an enduring walk of faith requires. We can be motivated to endure by remembering Jesus, who secured our salvation forever.
Read MoreIn 2 Timothy 1, we learn what courageous shepherding looks like. Courageous shepherding looks like fanning into flame the gift God gave us, expecting to suffer and knowing Him whom we have believed
Read More2 Timothy was the last letter Paul ever wrote, and it was written to one individual: Timothy. The heart of Paul's letter centers on the gospel message of Jesus Christ. As Paul passes the baton to Timothy, he shows Timothy that living and dying with an eternal perspective requires a right understanding of the Gospel, Grace, and God's Word.
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