Treasures: The Treasure of God's Word

If God is our true treasure, the Bible is our treasure map. God's Word is our treasure because it is inspired by God, instructive to us, and impactful in our lives. Reading God's Word is not simply getting information about God but an invitation into an intimate relationship with God. The Word of God is about the God of the Word. This is a treasure that transforms.

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Treasures: The Treasure of God

What do you think about when you think about heaven? Is it a sky palace? Are people in white robes? Is there a large gate at the front with Peter checking people in? We all have different views of heaven. Yet Jesus told us what eternal life truly is: knowing God. God Himself is the true treasure, and when we trust in Him, it leads to a life of transformation.

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Conflict: The Process, Provision, and Person

Conflict can get messy. From personality differences to overt sin, we all face conflict in our lives. Yet, in the midst of conflict, God has given us a process to follow, a provision to rely on, and a person to run to. Christ can restore even the most divisive of relationships and has called us to step into the mess of conflict to bring hope and healing in Jesus's name.

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Conflict: An Opportunity for Discipleship

Conflict is a constant opportunity to be and make disciples. Running into and resolving conflict glorifies God, solidifies relationships, and grows your faith. God's Word gives us examples and clear guidelines on moving into chaos and being a minister of reconciliation. God's people are able to mimic Jesus who ultimately ran into our conflict and brought peace. Growing in this arena can change your life and the life of those around you.

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Parenting in Christ

Parenting is a blessing and a privilege. It is a high call to raise up the next generation of Christ-followers, yet there are no perfect parents. God's grace covers a multitude of parenting sins. God's word guides and directs how to parent. Let us walk in His grace as we walk out His Word to be the parents God calls us to be.

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Ephesians: Selah

Selah means to reflect and rejoice in the LORD. God has put certain rhythms in our life to remember His goodness, grace, and gospel. As we close our series through Ephesians, let's pause and remember who we were, who we are, and all we were meant to be in Christ alone.

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Ephesians: Strong in Christ

We are in a battle. We have an adversary who desires to kill, steal, and destroy all that we love. But we have an armor that cannot be destroyed and an Ally who cannot be defeated. Jesus has won the ultimate battle for us and continues to fight on our behalf. Now, we don't fight for victory; we fight from the victory Christ has achieved for us. The Stronger One has come. Our strength for life and victory for eternity is in Christ alone.

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Ephesians: Work in Christ

We have all been made to create and cultivate the world around us. Work was meant to be a fruitful expression, but it has become a frustrating experience. Jesus enters in and transforms our work to be a ministry, a mission field, and a means to make much of God. He has done the work for us on the cross. Now he does a work in us to transform how we work in Christ alone.

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Ephesians: Family in Christ

In our culture and our church, marriages and families are under attack. The world is redefining marriage away from God's created intent. Jesus came to restore the right view of the family regarding the roles of husband, wives, parents, and kids. As we all submit ourselves to Christ, He will transform ourselves and our families for our good and His glory.

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Ephesians: Walk in Christ

The greatest blessing to our world is the church fully alive in Christ. As a church, God gives us our job description to walk in sacrificial love, lovingly expose sin, make the best use of our time, and strengthen one another in truth. It is time for the sleeping church to awake and the dead church to become alive. This is only possible when we walk faithfully in Christ alone.

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Ephesians: Holiness in Christ

There are only three paths in life: progressive corruption, progressive backsliding, or progressive sanctification. Each of these becomes a spiral that either brings you closer to God or further away. A simple thought can lead to an action, which can become a habit, which shapes your character and destiny. Regardless of where you are in your walk with Jesus, let today be the day where you walk more deeply with Him.

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Ephesians: Unity in Christ

How do you walk out the wealth you have in Christ? Within the body of Christ, God desires you to seek unity by serving others. When you use the gifts Christ purchased for you for Christ, we all reach our full potential in Christ. Jesus came to unite us, not by being served, but by serving. This is our King. Let's be His Church.

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Ephesians: Loved in Christ

What keeps you up at night? A sin you can't overcome? A situation out of your control? These realities are not meant to push us to despair but to desperation, dependence, and devotion to God through prayer. As Paul moves from our wealth in Christ (chapters 1-3) to how to walk in Christ (chapters 4-6), he pauses and prays that we would be strengthened from the inside out. When we come to God in the proper posture of prayer, understanding the purpose of prayer, we begin to see the power of prayer as the love of Christ fills us and transforms every aspect of our lives.

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Ephesians: Revelation in Christ

God had revealed to us who He is and what He has done for us in Christ Jesus. Sadly though, many of us have received Christ, but do not respond to Him fully in our day-to-day life. When we truly see this revelation of the gospel, the most natural response is to share the gospel, and ultimately suffer for the gospel. This is how to respond to the revelation of God.

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Easter Sunday: Glory Revealed

He is Risen! Throughout His earthly life, Jesus glorified God in all He did. His teachings, healings, miracles, and ministry were all just glimpses of the glory to come. When Jesus rose from the grave, he brought all the more glory to God. This singular moment has deep significance for all of humanity. As Jesus brought glory to God in His life, death, and resurrection, we now bring glory to God as Jesus lives in and through us.

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Good Friday: Jesus the King

Whips snapping, crowds yelling, metal clanking. These are the sounds of Good Friday. As Jesus stood before the crowds, they yelled, "Crucify Him! We have no King but Caesar!" Jesus, the true king, rejected by those he came to save. This was true of them. This is true of us. On this Good Friday, let us pause and reflect on how our true King went to the cross for all of us.

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Ephesians: Peace in Christ

To navigate this life well, God gives us two things to hold onto: Himself and one another. Our peace with God leads us to peace with fellow believers. Jesus stops old conflicts and starts a new community of people united in Him. Where the world sees differences as something to divide over, we are now able to see these differences as strengths when we find our peace in Christ alone.

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