Posts tagged Treasures
Treasures: The Treasure of Acceptance

Have you ever felt not enough? No pure enough, not successful enough, not mature enough, or not capable enough? At the core of all of these is the simple feeling of not being worthy or accepted fully. Jesus takes us who are not worthy in ourselves and makes us worthy in Himself. He alone is worthy, and trusting in Christ makes you worthy. In Christ, you are totally exposed in your sin yet totally accepted in His grace. When we walk in the total acceptance we have in Christ, it frees us to do the good works He called us to.

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Treasures: The Treasure of God's Word

If God is our true treasure, the Bible is our treasure map. God's Word is our treasure because it is inspired by God, instructive to us, and impactful in our lives. Reading God's Word is not simply getting information about God but an invitation into an intimate relationship with God. The Word of God is about the God of the Word. This is a treasure that transforms.

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Treasures: The Treasure of God

What do you think about when you think about heaven? Is it a sky palace? Are people in white robes? Is there a large gate at the front with Peter checking people in? We all have different views of heaven. Yet Jesus told us what eternal life truly is: knowing God. God Himself is the true treasure, and when we trust in Him, it leads to a life of transformation.

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