John: Jesus and the Wedding Feast

Jesus is making all things new. He is taking the old and transforming it into something beautiful and life-giving. He did this in His first sign turning water into wine. He continues to do this in our own lives as He takes that which is old in us and brings newness. Now and throughout eternity, Jesus is in the business of making all things new.

Discussion Questions

  1. What was the main thing God taught you from John 2 and the message? How does that impact the way to see God?

  2. How does the "sign" Jesus performed in John 2 (turning water into wine) show you the heart of Jesus?

  3. What in your life do you need Jesus to transform from old to new?

  4. What is the difference between Jesus making all new things and making all things new? Where have you wanted him to give you something new instead of transforming what you already have?

  5. How does looking ahead at Jesus making all things new in eternity impact how you trust Him today?

  6. What is one way you plan to live of God's word this week?