John: Jesus and the Invitation

Welcome to the Book of John! Throughout this series, we see Jesus encountering people publicly, privately, and through His passion. All of these movements have one message: Believing in Jesus leads to life. In John 1, we encounter Jesus in His incarnation, His identity, and His invitation. The God of the Universe wants you to come to Him and find the abundant, spiritual, and eternal life you were meant to live. This is only found when we believe, behold, and be with Jesus. So come and see Jesus for all that He is and find life in His name.

Discussion Questions

  1. What was the main thing the LORD showed you in John 1 and in the message? How does this impact the way you see God?

  2. John claims that those who “believe in Jesus find life in Him.” Where have you seen this to be true in your own life and the life of others?

  3. What would you do if Jesus moved into your neighborhood? What does Jesus want you to do according to John 1:11-12?

  4. What lies do you tend to believe about God, yourself, or others? How does the identity of Jesus, as revealed in John 1, impact how you see God, yourself, and others?

  5. What is the difference between flipping through the Bible and truly beholding Jesus in the Bible?

  6. What does it look like for you to “be with Jesus” in blocked off time and continually throughout the day?

  7. If Jesus were to sit you down and look you in the eye, what do you think he would say? Is this in line with the Jesus revealed in Scripture?

  8. What is one way you are going to respond to God’s Word this week?