Elementary // Worship Weekend

Memory Verse:
"I will sing to the Lord as long as I live. I will praise my God to my last breath!" Psalm 104:33 (NLT)


Praising and honoring God with anything we think, say, or do

Questions to Ask Your Child


  1. What does this scripture say worship is? (Living our lives as a sacrifice to the Lord)

  2. What does it mean for our lives to be a sacrifice to God? (Choosing to honor and obey God with the way we live instead of living in our own selfish sinful ways)

  3. Does this verse say that we can do this on our own? (NO!)

  4. Who does it say can transform us into a new person? (God) God is the one who changes hearts and minds.


  1. What are some ways that these verses say we can worship the Lord? (Bowing down, kneeling before him)

  2. Can you think of any other examples of ways we can worship God? (Singing to Him, praying to Him, spending time with Him, serving Him, sharing the Good News of the Gospel with others, living in obedience, confession, praise, dancing, preaching, crying out when we’re hurting, and everything else we do in our life)


People often think worship is only singing songs to God, but worship is so much more than that! Take time this week to talk with your kids about ways you can worship the Lord this week. Sometimes worship can look like laughing with others and having fun together! Find a night to play a game (a board game, freeze tag, hide and go seek, etc.) as a family and afterwards thank God for giving you a family to be a part of.