Preschool – Jesus is Alive

Memory Verse:
But God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. — Romans 5:8

Scripture Reference

John 20:1-18 (Jesus Storybook Bible p. 310-317)

Teaching Truth

  • Jesus rose from the dead. Jesus is alive

Questions to Ask Your Child

  • Who did God send to roll the stone away from Jesus’ tomb? (Angels.)

  • What news did the angel tell the women? (That Jesus is alive!)

  • What did Jesus tell Mary to do? (Go and tell His disciples that He is alive.)

  • Who can we tell about how Jesus died and that now He is alive?

Family Activity

Your child will make/use several props to help retell the story of Jesus and Easter. Use a clothespin with a face drawn on it or a Lego figure to be Jesus. Make a cross by gluing together two craft sticks, straws, plastic knives, or sticks from outside. Decorate it if you wish. Grab a toilet paper roll, tissue paper, and a rock to make the tomb. Let your child cover the toilet paper roll with tissue paper so that it looks like a cave and seal the tomb with a rock the size of the end of the toilet paper roll. Now your child can act out the story using the props. If he wants, he can wrap Jesus’ body in gauze and place it in the tomb during that section of the story.