Preschool – Jesus Enters Jerusalem

Memory Verse:
But God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. — Romans 5:8

Scripture Reference

Luke 19:18-44 (The Beginner’s Bible p. 427-432)

Teaching Truth

  • Jesus is God’s plan to rescue the world from sin.

  • Jesus is the Savior whom God promised.

Questions to Ask Your Child

  • Where did Jesus and His disciples travel to for Passover? (Jerusalem)

  • The crowds knew that Jesus was the true King of Israel. Why did this make the other leaders jealous? (They were prideful and wanted the people to pay more attention to them than Jesus.)

  • What did the crowds do when they saw Jesus? (Shouted, “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!”)


When Jesus came into Jerusalem it was like He was leading a parade. Line up stuff animals or dolls in row like they are watching the parade. Take turns with your child pretending to be Jesus in the parade or in the crowd watching Jesus. Use a broom stick for the donkey for Jesus to ride upon and wave a “palm branch” (leaves from outside, trace your child’s hand on green paper & cut it out, etc.) and shout, “Hosanna!” as Jesus rides by.