Preschool – Mary Pours Perfume

Memory Verse:
But God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. — Romans 5:8

Scripture Reference

Matthew 26:6-13 (The Jesus Storybook Bible p. 280-285)

Teaching Truth

  • Jesus is worth loving more than anything else.

Questions to Ask Your Child

  • What did Mary pour on Jesus’ feet? (Perfume)

  • Mary showed that she loved Jesus by giving Him something precious. How can we show Jesus that we love Him? (By worshipping Him, reading His Word, praying to Him)

  • Why were the men upset with Mary? (They said the perfume could have been sold and the money given to the poor.)

  • Mary needed Jesus to rescue her. How can we ask Jesus to rescue us? (By asking Him to save us from our sins.)


Create a beautiful perfume bottle using a recycled jelly jar. Get creative and let your child decorate the jar with glitter, ribbons, paint, or even cut colored tissue paper into small squares, water down some glue and let your child paint the jar with glue and then attach tissue paper. Fill the jar with names of friends, family, neighbors and teachers. Each day let your child pull out a name from the jar that he can serve that day. Brainstorm with your child ways to serve that person. It could be making cookies, watering the plants or any way that your child can serve that person intentionally.