Preschool // Jacob

Memory Verse:
God’s way is perfect. All the Lord’s promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to him for protection. — Psalm 18:30

Scripture Reference

Genesis 25; Genesis 27; Genesis 28; Genesis 31; Genesis 32 (The Beginner’s Bible p. 58-62 & 66-70)

Teaching Truth

  • God always keeps His promises.

  • God loves us even when we sin.

Questions to Ask Your Child

  • How did Jacob trick his father?

  • Did God love Jacob even though he tricked Isaac?

  • Does God love us when we make bad choices?

  • How did God bless Jacob?

  • What do we need to do when we make bad choices?

Family Activity

For snack time, make a ladder by using stick pretzels and marshmallows. Grab a large marshmallow, have your child stick one pretzel into each end of the marshmallow. Then in the center of the marshmallow stick another pretzel. On the ends of the pretzels attach another marshmallow, continue attaching pretzels and marshmallows until your child has created a ladder. Then let your child eat his ladder while you talk about how Jacob’s dream and the choices that Jacob made and how God always keeps His promises.


With each lesson, help your child apply what they have learned by asking, “What do you think God wants us to learn from this story?” If you get stuck with finding the answer, refer to the weekly Teaching Truths.