Elementary // Knowledge Week 1

Memory Verse:
Fear of the LORD is the foundation of wisdom. Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment. — Proverbs 9:10


Knowledge: Gaining an understanding of the truth.

Scripture Reference

Psalm 19:7-11

Teaching Truth

We can know God by reading his Word.

Questions to Ask Your Child

Read Psalm 19:7-11

  1. What are some words in these verses that also mean “Bible”? (Instructions, decrees, commands, commandments, and laws)

  2. What are other words used to describe the Bible? (perfect, trustworthy, right, clear, forever, true, fair)

  3. Does this sound like we can trust what the Bible says? (Yes!) Why? (Since it is the written word of God, we can trust that it’s true now, then, and forever!)

  4. What are some things you call a “treasure”? What is the best present you could hope to get or your favorite thing? These verses say that the Bible is more of a treasure than anything we could think of or want!

  5. Why do we need the Bible? (It shows us who God is and that He wants a relationship with us. It tells us the story of the Gospel and how God loved us so much He sent Jesus to die on the cross for us. It encourages us, warns us, and protects us from making bad choices if we follow its Truth.)


Set aside time this week to lead your kids in what it looks like to have a quiet time in effort to show them more about how you can know God by reading His Word. This could be as simple as choosing a Bible story and then talking about what they learned about God from it. You could also have questions ready for them to journal their answers to with questions like “What was your favorite part of what you read? What was confusing that you have questions about? What did this teach you about God?” Click here for another great resource for guiding your children through a quiet time with the Lord.