Elementary // Purity Week 2

Memory Verse:
“Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10 (NLT)


Purity: Being clean and free from the power of sin

Teaching Truth

We are not pure because sin stains us

Questions to Ask Your Child


  1. What lies did the serpent try to make Eve believe? (He wanted Eve to think that God didn’t love her and was not giving her what was best. He tried to get her to think God isn’t good.) What would you have told Eve if you had been standing there with her?

  2. Why do you think Adam and Eve chose to do what God told them not to do? What did they forget was true about God? (They saw that it looked good and wanted to be wise like God. They doubted God was good and loved them and had told them not to eat because He was protecting them from pain and death.) What happened to Adam and Eve’s purity? (They were no longer pure because they chose to sin. There’s nothing they could do to clean themselves from the stain of sin.)

  3. Look at verse 8. How did their relationship with God change? (Before they sinned they got to walk and talk with God without fear or shame. Afterwards, they knew they had done something wrong and tried to hide from Him. Their relationship with God was broken.)

  4. Reread verse 9. Do you think God really didn’t know where Adam and Eve were? Why do you think that? (He knew exactly where they were and what they’d done. He wanted them to come to Him. Even though God knows our sin, He doesn’t want us to hide from Him. He calls out to us and He wants us to come to Him.)


Practice this month’s memory verse (Psalm 51:10 NLT) stop-and-go style! When you are about 100 feet from a stoplight or stop sign, start saying the verse as fast as you can. The goal is to get through the entire verse before you stop at the light or the sign. If you don’t make it in time, pause when you reach the light/sign and then pick it back up when you start driving again.