Elementary // Peace Week 4

Memory Verse:
“I am leaving you with a gift - peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid.” John 14:27 (NLT)


Peace: An untroubled heart that comes from trusting God

Teaching Truth

Trusting God gives us peace in any circumstance

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read John 16:33. Did Jesus promise our lives would be easy? (No.) What DID He promise us? (He promised we would have trouble BUT He is bigger and can defeat anything we face.) Does God always keep His promises? (Yes.)

  2. Read Acts 20:22-24. How did Paul show he really trusted what Jesus said in John 16:33? (See Acts 20:22. He was willing to go to Jerusalem because God wanted him to, even though he didn’t know what would happen to him there.)

  3. When is it easy for you to have peace in your circumstances? (When they are good circumstances; when things work out how you want them to, etc.) When is it hard for you to have peace in your circumstances? (When you don’t understand why they are happening; when they are hard, frustrating or confusing, etc.)

  4. Read Philippians 4:6-7, 11-12. What do you worry about? (School, friends, health, etc.) What does Paul tell us to do instead of worry and why? (Pray. God can give us peace in ANY circumstance!)


Spend some time as a family and think of seven attributes of God (all-knowing, faithful, etc.) that could bring you peace. After you have made a list, have your kids write each attribute down on a card. Put the cards in the middle of your dining table and every day when you are having breakfast or another meal together, pull out a different card and thank God for that attribute of Himself. Praise Him for how perfect and wonderful He is! Acknowledge to Him that He is the only one that fully has all of those attributes and thank Him again for how good He is.