Elementary – Consistency Week 3

Memory Verse:
You have charged us to keep your commandments carefully. Oh, that my actions would consistently reflect your decrees! Then I will not be ashamed when I compare my life with your commands. — Psalm 119:4-6


Consistency: Constantly following God and His Word.

Scripture Reference

Deuteronomy 6:1-7, Mark 12:28-31

Teaching Truth

God is the same now, then, and forever.

Questions to Ask Your Child

Read Deuteronomy 6:4-7

  1. What do you learn about God from these verses? (Remember, God loves us so much. One of the ways He shows us that He loves us is by giving us commands. His commands protect us, teach us, remind us of how good He is.)

Read Mark 12:28-31

  1. What do you learn about God in these verses?

  2. Compare these verses to the ones in Deuteronomy. What is similar? Did Jesus teach something different than what was written in the Old Testament? Did God change His mind?

  3. How does God show us He is the same now, then, and forever in these verses and in other places in Scripture?


Learn the memory verse (Psalm 119:4-6) together as a family. Write it with wipe-off markers on your bathroom mirror. Practice “popcorn style,” where each family member says one word until the entire verse is completed. Write it on an index card and keep it in the car or make up your own hand motions.