Elementary // Obedience Week 3

Memory Verse:
"If you love me, obey my commandments." John 14:15 (NLT)


Obedience: Following God’s commands His way, right away, all the way

Teaching Truth

Don’t wait to obey, obey right away

Questions to Ask Your Child

READ JONAH 1:1-6, 15-17

  1. Where did God tell Jonah to go? (Ninevah) What did Jonah do instead? (He got on a boat in the opposite direction) Did he obey right away? (No)

  2. What happened while Jonah was on the boat? (God sent a huge storm as a consequence for Jonah’s disobedience. The sailors threw Jonah into the sea because he’d confessed the storm was his fault and the storm stopped. God sent a fish to swallow Jonah and he was in there for three days and nights)

READ JONAH 2:1-3, 9-10, 3:1-3

  1. Was Jonah sorry that he hadn’t obeyed right away? (Yes – he cried out to the Lord admitting that he deserved the trouble he’d brought on himself)

  2. What happened after God prayed? (God commanded the fish to spit Jonah out on dry land and Jonah obeyed God the second time he was asked)


Play Simon Says as a family. Take turns leading! Remember, this is a game where you must obey right away. If you take too long to follow the instructions, you’re out. Spend time afterwards talking about the following questions. Was it ever hard to obey “Simon’s” instructions? When? (when it was going fast, when they were asking for crazy tasks, etc.) What was the consequence of not obeying right away? (getting out) What was the benefit of obeying right away? (got to keep playing) Are there consequences or benefits to whether you obey right away or not every day? What are some?