Elementary // Knowledge Week 3

Memory Verse:
Fear of the LORD is the foundation of wisdom. Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment. — Proverbs 9:10


Knowledge: Gaining an understanding of the truth.

Scripture Reference

Matthew 6:5-13

Teaching Truth

We can know God by talking to Him through prayer.

Questions to Ask Your Child

Read Matthew 6:5-13

  1. Look at verses 5 & 7. According to Jesus, how should we NOT pray? (We shouldn’t try to impress others by how much we pray or how we do it. We shouldn’t make a show of it or try to perform so others think we’re super holy.)

  2. Does God expect you to have the exact right words to say when you pray? What should our prayers to God be like? (Like having a conversation with Him. He doesn’t care if you use big words or sound fancy. He wants you to be honest with Him. He is the awesome Creator of the universe but also loves you personally and wants you to come talk to Him about whatever is on your heart and mind.)

Read Philippians 4:6-7

  1. What does this verse remind you about prayer?

  2. Do you ever get worried or anxious about things? What are some of those things?

  3. What does verse 6 tell you to do when you get worried or anxious? (Talk to God about it) Will he answer exactly how you want Him to answer? (No) Does that mean He didn’t hear you? (No – He ALWAYS hears you but sometimes He answers differently than we think He should)

Read Matthew 6:9-13. Remind your kiddos of the acronym for PRAY that they learned at church this weekend: Praise & thanks, Repent, Ask for others, Yourself. Talk through the following questions at dinner.

  1. What does it mean to praise & thank God? (Spend time thinking about who He is and thanking Him for being good, kind, patient, and for what He did on the cross)

  2. What does it mean to repent? (Agree with God that we have sinned and ask Him to forgive us, help us to do the right thing next time, and to change our wants/desires)

  3. What does it mean to ask for others? (Asking God to help/comfort/provide for others including friends/family or strangers and even enemies.)

  4. What does it mean to ask for yourself? (Talk to God about what you’re struggling with or rejoicing about in your daily life. Ask Him for help, guidance, healing, or wisdom)

  5. How did Jesus set an example of each of these in His prayer we read in Matthew?