Elementary // Integrity Week 4

Memory Verse:
People with integrity walk safely, but those who follow crooked paths will slip and fall. — Proverbs 10:9


Integrity: Following God inside, outside, and everywhere.

Scripture Reference

2 Chronicles 18:6–34

Teaching Truth

People of integrity share God’s truth even when it’s not popular.

Questions to Ask Your Child

Read 2 Chronicles 18:6-8, 11-13

  1. What did King Ahab think of Micaiah? (He didn’t like him because Micaiah never told him what he wanted to hear. Micaiah only said what the Lord told him to say.)

  2. What were the other prophets telling the king? (Exactly what wanted to hear- that he would succeed and win the battle.)

  3. What did the messenger tell Micaiah to do? (He told him to just say what everyone else was saying.) Reread verse 13. How did Micaiah respond? (He said he could only say what God told him to say, no matter what.)

Read 2 Chronicles 18:16-17, 22-27, 34

  1. What did Micaiah tell the king? (He told King Ahab what God told him. The prophets had lied to him. If the king went into battle he would be killed.)

  2. How do you think Micaiah’s actions showed he was a man of integrity?


Use sidewalk chalk to practice this month’s memory verse (Proverbs 10:9). Have each person write out one word until you have the whole verse written out. Further down your driveway or sidewalk, try to draw out the memory verse using pictures instead of words. A little further down, try writing it out in new handwriting or with the opposite hand, just for fun!