Elementary // Integrity Week 1

Memory Verse:
People with integrity walk safely, but those who follow crooked paths will slip and fall. — Proverbs 10:9


Integrity: Following God inside, outside, and everywhere.

Scripture Reference

Judges 7:1-22

Teaching Truth

Integrity begins with trusting that God’s way is perfect.

Questions to Ask Your Child

Read Judges 7:1-22

  1. What did God first tell Gideon to do to make his army smaller? (Tell the men that if any of them were afraid, they could leave) How many men went home? (22,000) What did God tell Gideon to do this time to know which men to keep? (Send them to get water and only keep the men who cupped the water with their hands to their mouths.) How many men did Gideon have left? (300)

  2. Look at verse 7. What did God tell Gideon would happen even though he had a very small army? (God would make sure Gideon’s army won if they trusted His way was perfect.)

  3. Look at verse 14. When Gideon went down at night to the camp, what did he overhear the Midianites talk about? (One man had a dream about God helping Gideon and his army win.)

  4. Read verses 15-16. What did Gideon do when he got back to camp? (He followed God’s way. He encouraged the 300 men and got them ready for battle. God gave them the victory, just as He promised.)


Brainstorm some situations coming up this week when you’ll need to decide whether to follow God’s way, your own way, or the world’s way. What does it mean for you to have integrity in those situations? How can you remember to have integrity when these situations might come up? (Example: by remembering Truth from our memory verse, asking a friend or parent to hold you accountable)