Elementary // Goodness Week 4

Memory Verse:
“A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart.” Luke 6:45 (NLT)


Goodness: A heart that reflects the excellent character of God

Teaching Truth

Our goodness is an overflow of God’s goodness to us

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read Luke 22:54-62. What did 3 different people say about Peter? (Three different people said they thought he was one of Jesus’ disciples.) How did he respond to each person? (Peter denied it. He said they were wrong.)

  2. Read John 21:15-19. What question did Jesus ask Peter 3 times? (Do you love me?) How did Peter respond each time? (Yes Lord, you know I love you.)

  3. How did Jesus show GOODNESS to Peter? (Jesus loved Peter and forgave him. Jesus didn’t give up on Peter even though Peter had sinned.)

  4. What did Jesus tell Peter to do? (Feed my sheep.) What do you think that means? (Jesus was telling Peter to take care of the people who believed in Him. Jesus wanted Peter to teach, lead, and care for the early church because they would need someone to care for them.) Why do you think Jesus gave Peter this job? (Maybe to show how God’s goodness can shine even through imperfect people.)


Read Luke 6:45. Talk about things we feed our minds and hearts and how we see them come out in what we think, say, and do. EX: TV shows, video games, people we’re friends with, what we read, music choices, etc. Talk about what you are putting in your minds and hearts right now. What things do you need to stop feeding your mind? What do you need to start feeding your mind? Brainstorm ways your family can encourage each other to put good things into your hearts and minds this week.