Elementary // Goodness Week 2

Memory Verse:
“A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart.” Luke 6:45 (NLT)


Goodness: A heart that reflects the excellent character of God

Teaching Truth

The good news of our good God - Jesus is ALIVE!

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read Matthew 28:1-10. Who did the women meet at the tomb? (An angel.) What was the angel’s message? (Jesus isn’t here. He has risen, just like He promised!)

  2. Read Luke 24:36-43. Why do you think the disciples were frightened when Jesus appeared? What did Jesus say to them? (“Peace be with you”)

  3. What did Jesus do to show the disciples it really was Him and He was really alive? (Showed them the nail holes in His hands and feet, let them touch Him, ate some fish)

  4. What is your favorite part of the Easter story? Why? How does the good news that Jesus is alive affect your life? Why?


Talk with your kids about a friend or a family member who may not know the good news that God loves them and sent His Son Jesus to die for their sins. Pray and ask God that they would come to believe how much God loves them and understand the good news of Easter. Brainstorm one way you can encourage them and show them love this week, maybe with a card or a phone call.