Elementary // Generosity Week 3

Memory Verse:
The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed. — Proverbs 11:25


Generosity: Joyfully sharing what God has given you.

Teaching Truth

Giving generously shows the world how God gives.

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Look at Exodus 35:20-34. Did Moses force the people to give to the tabernacle? How do you know? What words were used to describe the people’s hearts? (stirred, moved, willing, eager)

  2. What kind of gifts did the Israelites give to help build the tabernacle for God? (jewelry, fancy fabric, gems, oil, spices)

  3. What talents had God-given some people so that they could use them to help build the tabernacle? (Some could spin the yarn into fabric, build with stones and wood, create art from gold, silver, and bronze. There were engravers, designers, and embroiderers.)

  4. Why do you think it was important to God that the people had generous hearts and didn’t just give because they were forced? (God always cares more about your heart than the things that you do. He wants you to know how much He loves you and longs for you to have a loving relationship with Him. Then your generosity would naturally flow from your love for God and for others.)


How’s your family’s Thankfulness Calendar coming along? Whether you’ve been adding to it daily, or you’re just jumping in, it’s never too late to spend time making a list of all of the amazing things God has given you! Every day until Thanksgiving, have every person in your family share one thing God has given them that they are thankful for and write it on the calendar. See how full you can get your calendar and be sure to praise God for how generous He always is with us.