Elementary // Diligence Week 3

Memory Verse:
“Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” 1 Corinthians 15:58 (NIV)


Diligence: Consistently working with all my heart to bring glory to God

Teaching Truth

We can focus on our work until it is done

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read Genesis 6:9-16. What work did God give Noah to do? (Build an ark) God gives us what we need for the work He wants us to do. What did God give Noah to help him build the ark? (He gave Noah the instructions he needed and enough time to finish the ark before the flood came. God didn’t just want Noah to build just any boat; God wanted him to do it the way He told him to.)

  2. Why did God give Noah such specific instructions? What if Noah had built the ark however he thought was best? (God’s instructions were perfect. If Noah tried to make the ark smaller, it wouldn’t be big enough for all the animals. If he didn’t seal it with pitch to make it waterproof, it would leak. If he didn’t bring the food, they would have starved.) 

  3. What could have tempted Noah to stop working? (People around him may have made fun of him, discouragement because it took so long, tiredness because of the hard work) 

  4. Do you think Noah’s relationship with God helped him work with all his heart? Why? (Noah trusted the Lord and had faith to diligently follow the task he had been given even when it was hard or if he ever thought that what he was doing was useless.)


What is one thing you know you need to have diligence to focus on and finish this week, even in the summer? Remember: God cares more about our hearts than our task and the time it takes to do it. Pray for the task ahead and for God to give you the right heart before you start the activity and to help you focus on it until you’re done.