Elementary // Diligence Week 2

Memory Verse:
“Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” 1 Corinthians 15:58 (NIV)


Diligence: Consistently working with all my heart to bring glory to God

Teaching Truth

God gives us what we need to do His work

Questions to Ask Your Child

Read Acts 2:1-12

  1. Look at verses 1 and 5. Who was in Jerusalem and why were they there? (Pentecost was a Jewish holiday celebrating the first crops of the harvest. It was so important, Jews from all over the Roman empire came to Jerusalem to celebrate and afterwards go back to their own cities.)

  2. What happened when the believers were meeting together?  (The Holy Spirit came to all the believers.) What ability did the Holy Spirit give to the believers who were in the room at Pentecost? (He gave them the ability to speak in a language they hadn’t learned so they could share the Gospel with the visitors in Jerusalem.)

Read Acts 2:38, 41

  1. How did the Holy Spirit give Peter what he needed to be diligent in the work Jesus called him to do? (The Holy Spirit gave Peter the right words to say, the ability to speak to people in their own language, and the courage to boldly share about Jesus.)

  2. Remember what we learned last week? (Hint: Matthew 28:16-20) Just like Jesus gave a task to His disciples, He calls every believer to be a witness for Him and live in a way that honors Him. The good news is that God will give us what we need to be diligent and do the work that He calls us to do!


Make a list as a family of some of the work God has given you to do. (EX: Obey your parents, love your brothers and sisters, serve Him, share the Gospel, encourage others, etc.) Read 2 Peter 1:3. What does Peter tell us that God gives to everyone who believes in Him? How does God help us be diligent in our work? (God gives us everything we need for living a godly life. That means He gives you what you need to obey your parents, love your siblings, to do what you know is right even when it’s really hard, etc. He is with you in every single part of your life.)