Elementary // Bible Timeline Week 4

Memory Verse:
“You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me.” John 5:39 (NIV)

Bible Timeline Eras

Exile and Return

Key Words

Prophets, Defeat, Rebuild, and Remnant

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read Nehemiah 9:29-31 - How do verses 30-31 describe God? (He was patient with the Israelites for many years; He did not destroy or abandon them forever; He is gracious and merciful.)  

  2. Read Nehemiah 9:32-37 - Why does God want His people, including us, to obey His commands? Is it because He is demanding or bossy? (No way! It is because He loves us and knows that His ways are best for us!)  

  3. Read Ezra 1:1-4 - Have you seen the Lord’s faithfulness to you during big changes in your life? (EX: while moving, starting a new school or job, trying out for a new team, family struggles, friend problems, etc.)  


When the Israelites were in exile there were always a few faithful people who continued to follow God. Take time one evening this week to play “Follow the Leader”. Designate a “start” and “finish” point in your house and take turns being faithful followers of the leader to the finish line. If one person does not do the correct action, the whole family has to start over.   

 After you are done with the game, say a prayer thanking God for being good, loving, and faithful, even when we disobey Him.  

Bible Timeline Resources

Bible Timeline Overview - Click here for a Bible Timeline Overview! This document lists all 13 Bible Timeline eras with key words and a description of what happens during each era.

Bible Timeline Picture Icons - Check out the whole Bible Timeline with the era and key words picture icons by clicking here! Print the pictures, cut them out and come up with a family challenge for memorizing the eras and key words!

Bible Timeline Hand Motions - Watch the video below covering the hand motions for the Bible Timeline eras. Follow along and work with your family to memorize all of the hand motions!