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Whether you are thriving or struggling and feeling hopeless, re|engage is a curriculum that creates a safe place to grow your marriage by investing in each other and your relationship with God.  Whether your community group wants to jump in together or if you would like to be added to the wait list for the next group that starts, connect with our team to get started.


Ministry Information

Tuesday Nights, Spring & Fall classes

6:30pm -8:30pm

Spring Class Registration is closed.


What is Re|Engage?

Re|Engage is a 14 week class where couples gather together in small groups to authentically share their experiences, discuss practical curriculum and to hear stories of life change from other couples who have walked hard roads and still found hope in Christ. Re|Engage is more than just a program. Its a place to be honest. Its a place to be challenged. Its a place to be encouraged. Its a place to find help and hope. Small group leaders are real people with real problems who want to share real life with each couple that comes.

  • Tuesday nights are busy nights at CityBridge. A multitude of recovery and equipping classes take place across campus. Join us a little before 6:30pm to get settled into your room for a productive night with other couples. Everyone who walks through the door on Tuesday nights knows that we all have room to grow, and this is a safe place to be honest.

  • We believe the center of all recovery and growth is found in Jesus Christ. Every week begins in a large group setting, where you will hear stories of hope from other individuals and couples whose lives have been transformed. Recovery leaders will share practical tools for growth in our relationship with Jesus and our relationships with others. Participants from a number of different ministries all gather together for Large Group time.

  • After meeting as a large group, participants will break off into smaller groups, with each group led by a facilitator couple. Together, you and your small group will work through the 14-lesson curriculum and learn how to effectively communicate, resolve conflict, and grow closer to your spouse.

  • $75 per couple paid upon enrollment i the class. This fee covers all books and materials needed for the class.

  • Kids Midweek is our weekly discipleship classes that serves infants - 5th grade. Attendance if free but registration is required. Kids Midweek registration is available during the Re|Engage registration process.

“Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” — Ephesians 4:31-32


Re|Engage uses personal stories of grace, teaching, and small groups that point couples back to God and oneness with each other.

Looking for more stories of hope? Check out these real couples as they share their real stories from Re|Engage. https://www.reengage.org/stories



Need help right now?

Is a waitlist unhelpful? We can meet with you sooner. Our team of caring leaders would love to connect with you, hear your story and help you get connected with the best resources and support for your specific journey. Reach out to our team to get connected to a Care Mentor today to see how we can support you in your current season.