Pregnancy Resource Centers
Serve women and families through the journey of pregnancy.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. — Psalm 139:14
We believe every life has value as an image-bearer of Christ. Through our partnerships with Prestonwood Pregnancy Center and Real Options, we seek to equip the saints, advocate for life, and serve those impacted by an unexpected pregnancy. Our partners are always searching for men and women to serve using and use their gifts such as administration, hospitality, creation, pastoral care, and more.
Prestonwood Pregnancy Center
Located in Richardson, Prestonwood Pregnancy Center focuses on advocacy, equipping through skills and education classes, and health screenings.
Real Options
Located in Allen, Real Options focuses on prevention through sex education, advocacy, counseling, and post-abortion care.
Post-Abortion Care
We have trusted men and women who walk alongside those impacted by abortion to process hurts, find healing, and experience freedom and peace.
Get Equipped
We desire to equip the saints to have a biblical view of sex, birth control, life in the womb, and abortion. We also have resources for equipping parents with appropriate language and conversation starters for their kids at different stages of maturity. If you have questions, need resources on these topics, or would like to talk to someone, please contact us. We can help.