HOME: A Marriage Series
In a world where relationships are often undervalued and misunderstood, it can be challenging to build a marriage that reflects God’s design. Many couples struggle with maintaining unity and purpose amidst the pressures of modern life. In this series, "HOME – Oneness," we will explore what it means to cultivate a God-centered marriage based on the biblical principles of Holiness, Oneness, and Missional Engagement (H.O.M.E.).
We will dive into God’s blueprint for marriage, focusing on the importance of leaving behind old priorities, cleaving to our spouses in lifelong commitment, and weaving lives of unity and purpose together. This series is designed to help couples strengthen their relationship by aligning it with God’s will and purpose.
We will address key questions such as:
How can we prioritize our marriage in a way that honors God?
What does it mean to truly become "one flesh" with our spouse?
How can we navigate challenges and conflicts while growing closer together?
What role does faith play in building a strong, lasting marriage?
How can we, as a church community, support each other in pursuing God’s vision for marriage?
“Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.” — Genesis 2:24–25
Join us on this journey to discover and live out God’s plan for a thriving, Christ-centered marriage.