Jesus and the Resurrection

Jesus died to pay the penalty for our sin. He rose to show us the check cleared. In John 20-21, Jesus encounters four different people after his resurrection. These people are meant to be reflections of all of us. Some are in pain. Some are in doubt. Some are in fear. Some have given up on God; others have given up on themselves. But Jesus returns for them all. Jesus showed his power through his resurrection. Jesus showed his love through returning for you. You have been saved to see Jesus, to be sent out for Jesus, to be secure in Jesus, and shepherd the flock of Jesus. The Gospel of John is over, but the story of Jesus has just begun. Let's fill the world with the stories of Jesus.

Discussion Questions

  1. What was the main thing God taught you from John 20-21 and the message? How does that impact the way to see God?

  2. Which of the four people (Mary, the Disciples, Thomas, or Peter) did you identify with the most? How did Jesus encounter them? What does that show you about how he encounters you?

  3. As you reflect on your own story, how has Jesus turned sorrow into joy, fear into peace, doubt into belief, or you as a sinner into a shepherd?

  4. You have been saved to see Jesus, be sent out for Jesus, be secure in Jesus, and shepherd the flock of Jesus. As you have received Christ, how have you responded to him in these ways? How have you not?

  5. What is one way you plan to live of God's word this week?