Jesus and the Peace-Giver

How is your heart troubled? Whether situations outside of us or struggles within us, troubles are a part of life. John 14 begins and ends with Jesus commanding us to "not let our hearts be troubled." By trusting in God the Son, obeying the commands of God the Father, and yielding to God the Spirit, we can experience genuine peace that surpasses understanding.

Discussion Questions

  1. What was the main thing God taught you from John 14 and the message? How does that impact the way to see God?

  2. Where do you typically turn to for comfort and peace?

  3. According to John 14, how do the Father, Son, and Spirit give you peace? What is your role in the process?

  4. How are you feeding your soul? Your flesh? Others? How are these signposts to yielding to the Spirit?

  5. What is one way you plan to live of God's word this week?