Jesus and the Broken Man

It is easy to miss Jesus in the daily rhythms of life. Sometimes we miss Christ for our circumstances. Sometimes we miss Jesus for law-keeping. Either way, we miss Jesus. Jesus wants us to see Him as the One where all life and joy is found. When we walk under the authority of Jesus, we find the sweetness of what Jesus wants for us: abundant life in Him.

Discussion Questions

  1. What was the main thing God taught you from John 5 and the message? How does that impact the way to see God?

  2. How have you missed Christ in the midst of challenging circumstances? What would it look like to focus on Jesus in the midst of life's challenges or celebrations?

  3. How have you missed life in Jesus for law-keeping? What would it look like to focus on Jesus instead of man-made moralistic rule-keeping?

  4. What is an area of life where you have not submitted to the full authority of Jesus? Is there anything that Jesus is asking of you today that you need to trust Him in obeying Him?

  5. What is one way you plan to live of God's word this week?

Sunday MessagesRob BarryJohn