Based: Bible Based

Sermon Notes

This week is all about the Bible! We look at 2 Timothy 3:14-4:4 and delve into the transformative potential of God's word. The scripture reminds us to cling to the truth found in the Holy Scriptures, emphasizing their role in making us wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.

Ultimately, as Jesus prayed for His disciples in John 17, He also prayed for all who would believe through their message. We are called to unity in truth, embracing the transformative power of God's Word, and sharing it with the world.

Join us in exploring the profound impact of God's Word on our lives and our role in spreading its message of hope and truth!

The Bible Points to Jesus

  • The Bible, even before the New Testament, is a source of wisdom for salvation in Christ Jesus, emphasizing that the Old Testament points to Jesus.

  • Old Testament stories and figures foreshadow Jesus' work and salvation, revealing that the Bible's core focus is on Jesus, not rules or principles.

  • The Bible's true focus is Jesus Christ, not self-help or rules, serving as a revelation of the greatest expression of love and God's plan for salvation, as stated in 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

The Bible Presents God's Perspective

  • The Bible represents God's perspective, being described as "breathed out by God," containing the very words of God directed through human authors. It provides God's view on life, guiding us to see as God sees and understand true principles.

  • While the Bible is not a magic eight ball for quick answers, it offers genuine truths about life, marriage, work, and God's nature. Studying it helps prevent taking verses out of context and encourages a deeper understanding of God's perspective.

  • The Bible serves as a loving correction and recalibration tool, like a plumb line, pointing us back to the right path. It trains us in righteousness, aiding our growth and maturity, not just in age but in character. The reliability of the Bible is well-established, and most issues arise from it contradicting personal desires rather than inconsistencies within the text.

The Bible Prevents Us From Wasting Our Life

  • The Bible prevents a wasted life by guiding us in God's ways and encouraging us to share His message as ambassadors for truth, avoiding the societal redefinition of truth.

  • Societal myths, such as redefining gender, life, marriage, faith, and morality, lead to confusion when there's no source of truth. The Bible serves as our instrument for navigating life and finding God's guidance.

  • We're commanded, like Timothy, to preach the truth even when unpopular, pointing people to Jesus with love. Staying connected to God's Word is crucial, and practical steps include daily reading, starting with Proverbs, John's Gospel, or Ephesians, and using tools like the Bible Recap, Dwell App, or YouVersion.

Discussion Questions

  1. How does the Bible point to Jesus, and why is this understanding crucial for our faith?

  2. In what ways can you see the Bible presenting God's perspective on various aspects of life? Share some examples.

  3. What are some common misconceptions about reading and interpreting the Bible, and how can we avoid these pitfalls?

  4. How do you think societal myths and the redefinition of truth impact our culture today, and what role should the Bible play in addressing these challenges?

  5. What practical steps can you take to stay connected to the Bible and apply its teachings in your daily life, as mentioned in the message's application section?