Letter from the Elders

CityBridge Family,

How amazing to already be looking back at 2021, a year that had so much anticipation for us as a new, independent church. A year ago, there were plenty of unknowns as we approached the January 1st launch date, yet we have continually rested in the central truth that Jesus is the one who will build his church. Our job is to be faithful and trust him. Whether as Watermark Plano or now CityBridge, we know that God is the one who causes growth (1 Corinthians 3:6). He desires our hearts to grow for his kingdom more than we ever could.  

In the midst of continuing cultural challenges in 2021, we have watched many of our members model how to seek understanding with one another, show preference and honor to one another, not forsake gathering together, and bear with one another. Every time we hear of this kind of love between our members, we rejoice.  

We also give thanks that the Lord has added to his number at CityBridge this year, as seen through adults and students trusting in Christ, publicly declaring their faith through baptism, and becoming members. In addition, through various onramps like Re|Engage, re:generation, student ministry, men’s and women’s Bible studies, or multiple life stage ministries, we have witnessed people respond to the question of Jesus in John 5, “Do you want to get well?,” as they have moved towards a person and not a program. 

We consider it a privilege to serve and shepherd this body and to be spurred on by you. May we all continue to answer the call of Romans 12:9-12 to “let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” 

We cannot wait to watch God at work amongst us in 2022! 

In Christ, 

CityBridge Elders

Kyle Kaigler, Rob Barry, Johnathan Collins, Brian Buchek, and Grant MacQuilkan