Elementary // We Believe-Future Things

Family Questions

READ JOHN 14:1-3

  • How do we know that Jesus is coming back? (Jesus Himself promised His disciples that He was going to prepare a place for them and that He would come back someday.)

  • When is He coming back? Who knows? (God the Father is the only one who knows, although a lot of people try to guess.)


  • How is Jesus described? How is this description of Him different than what you normally think of Him? 

  • What do these verses say He’s going to do when He comes back? (He is going to judge fairly, fight a good war and win, defeat his enemies and rule everything. He will be King of kings and Lord of lords.)

 READ JOHN 3:16-21

  • What choice do we all make that determines our future? (We choose to follow God and believe in Jesus or to go our own way.)

  • How can we know if we get to be with God forever? What gift does He offer to all of us? (He gave His one and only Son, Jesus, to take the punishment for sin. Because of His sacrifice on the cross, God offers the gift of forgiveness to everyone. Those who choose God will be saved.)


Read Revelation 21:1-5. God’s Word promises that eternity with God will be filled with only good things! What are some awesome things you can look forward to if you’ve put your trust in Jesus? (No more death, sorrow, or pain.) Those things are awesome, but according to this passage, what is the most amazing thing about eternity for those who put their faith in Christ? (They get to be with God forever! He is better than anything else we could ever hope for!)