Preschool – Paul’s Travels
Memory Verse:
Give thanks to the Lord for He is good. His love endures forever.
— Psalm 107:1
Scripture Reference
Acts 9:20-31, 13-14, 15:36-18:22 & 18:23-21:14 (The Beginner’s Bible p. 494-499)
Teaching Truth
People who follow Jesus are called Christians.
We are to tell others about Jesus and His love for them
Questions to Ask Your Child
Who did Paul teach people about?
How did Paul get from place to place as he traveled?
Do you think it would be hard to tell people about Jesus if they were mean to you? Why?
Family Activity
Help your child to gather some of their stuffed animals. Divide them into 3 groups and place each group in different places around the room. Talk with your child about how Paul’s life was changed when he received forgiveness from Jesus. Paul decided to go on a trip to tell others about Jesus’ love and forgiveness. Pretend to be Paul and travel around the room telling others (the stuffed animals) about Jesus and his love. Paul sometimes traveled in a boat, so act like you are rowing a boat as you go from one place to the next.
With each lesson, help your child apply what they have learned by asking, “What do you think God wants us to learn from this story?” If you get stuck with finding the answer, refer to the weekly Teaching Truths.