Preschool // Joseph and the Coat

Memory Verse:
God’s way is perfect. All the Lord’s promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to him for protection. — Psalm 18:30

Scripture Reference

Genesis 37 (The Beginner’s Bible p. 71-77)

Teaching Truth

  • We can trust God no matter what happens.

  • God is in control of everything.

Questions to Ask Your Child

  • How many brothers did Joseph have?

  • Why were Joseph’s brothers jealous and what did they do to him?

  • What did the brothers tell their father, Jacob, happened to Joseph?

  • Even though bad things happened to Joseph, who was in control?

Family Activity

Using a coffee filter, have your child color the filter with washable markers, making the coffee filter as colorful as possible. Then using a spray bottle filled with water, lightly squirt the coffee filter so the colors run together. Cut a small slit in the center of the coffee filter and slide a popsicle stick through the opening. Tape the filter to the popsicle stick and draw a simple face on the stick so it becomes Joseph and his coat of many colors. 


With each lesson, help your child apply what they have learned by asking, “What do you think God wants us to learn from this story?” If you get stuck with finding the answer, refer to the weekly Teaching Truths.