Preschool // Creation

Memory Verse:
In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth. — Genesis 1:1

Scripture Reference

Genesis 1-2 (Jesus Storybook Bible p. 18-27)

Teaching Truth

  • God created the world and it was good.

  • God created you for a relationship with Him.

Questions to Ask Your Child

  • Who created all things and what did He say about it?

  • What can you do to take care of God’s creation?

  • How is God’s creation like a special gift?

  • What did God use to create the world?

Family Activity

This week would be a great time to visit the zoo, the aquarium, or a nature center to appreciate God’s creation up close. For a less expensive alternative, visit the library and help your child pick out a few books on wild animals, sea creatures, plants, or another part of creation that excites him.


With each lesson, help your child apply what they have learned by asking, “What do you think God wants us to learn from this story?” If you get stuck with finding the answer, refer to the weekly Teaching Truths.