Elementary – Trustworthiness Week 4

Memory Verse:
Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep His promise. — Hebrews 10:23


Trustworthiness: Being dependable without a doubt.

Scripture Reference

Genesis 27

Teaching Truth

God is trustworthy even when we are not.

Questions to Ask Your Child

Read Genesis 12:1-4, 7

  • Look at verses 2-3, 7. What promises did God make to Abram? (God promised to make Abram into a great nation, to bless the world thru him, and give special land to his family.) What have you learned so far this month about God and His promises? (God’s Word is always true and He will always keep His promises, no matter what!)

Read Genesis 12:10-20

  • How were Abram and Sarai untrustworthy? (They decided to tell the Egyptians she was his sister so they wouldn’t kill him.)

  • Look at verses 17 & 20. What were the consequences for Abram and Sarai’s untrustworthiness? (God sent plagues on the Egyptians until they realized they had been lied to. Then they kicked Abram and Sarai out of the country.)

  • Do you think God would have protected Abram and Sarai if they had not lied? Why? (Yes, because He had made a promise to them and God always keeps His promises!)


As a family, read (and/or act out!) the story of Palm Sunday in Matthew 21:1-11. Make your own palm leaves out of paper or go on a hunt for some in your backyard or neighborhood park. For more information about Holy Week click here. Pinterest also has lots of Holy Week activity ideas to do as a family. Just be careful to not get overwhelmed, and feel the freedom to modify anything to fit your family!