Elementary – Trustworthiness Week 3

Memory Verse:
Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep His promise. — Hebrews 10:23


Trustworthiness: Being dependable without a doubt.

Scripture Reference

Genesis 27

Teaching Truth

There are consequences for not trusting God’s will.

Questions to Ask Your Child

Read Jeremiah 36:2

  • What was written on the scroll? (God’s messages to his people, telling them his will for them)

Read Jeremiah 36:21-25

  • What did the king do with the scroll containing God’s word? (Cut it up and burned it)

  • Did the king care about following God’s will? (NO!)

Read Jeremiah 38:17-18

  • What did Jeremiah say was God’s will for the king? (To surrender to the Babylonians)

  • What was the consequence if the king refused to surrender? (The city would be captured and burned down and destroyed)

  • Did the king choose to trust God’s will? (NO!)

Read Jeremiah 39:8

  • What happened to the city of Jerusalem because the king did not trust God’s will? (The city was captured, burned and destroyed)

  • What would have happened if the king trusted God’s will? (The king’s family would live, the city of Jerusalem would not be destroyed, and all would go well for the king)

  • Where can we go to find out God’s will for our lives? (The Bible)

  • What part of God’s will for us is hardest to trust and follow?


One day this week (when you have time to spare), tell the kids your destination and give them a few options. They can either trust your directions, make the call themselves on when/where to turn, or try out one of those options and change their mind at any point during the drive. This will work best if you choose a location they’re not 100% sure how to get to, or if they choose to trust you, you can go a different route than normal and see if they second-guess their decision.

Questions to ask after you’ve reached your destination: What was the “consequence” of going your own way instead of trusting mom/dad while they were driving? (got lost, took a lot longer, etc.) Did you ever doubt that your parent knew the best way to get there? If you trusted your parent from the start, why was it so easy for you to make that choice?