Elementary – Trustworthiness Week 1

Memory Verse:
Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep His promise. — Hebrews 10:23


Trustworthiness: Being dependable without a doubt.

Scripture Reference

Numbers 13

Teaching Truth

God is trustworthy and always keeps His promises.

Questions to Ask Your Child

Read Numbers 13:1-3, 17-20

  • What promise did God remind the Israelites of in verse 2? (He will give the land of Canaan to the Israelites.) What instructions did Moses give the spies? (See what the land, cities, and people are like)

Read Numbers 13:27-14:9

  • What good things did the spies find out about the land? (They said it was good land, flowing with milk and honey, and full of good food.)

  • What were most of the spies worried about? (They thought the people living in the land were unbeatable and stronger than the Israelites.) What did most of the spies and the other Israelites not trust about God? (They didn’t believe He was bigger and stronger than the people living in Canaan. They didn’t think He would be able to help them and would not do what He promised.)

  • What was different about Joshua and Caleb’s report? (They agreed the land was really good, but they believed they could defeat their enemies with God on their side.) What did they believe was true about God? (They knew God was mighty and powerful. God was stronger than any enemy they could face. They believed God would do what He said He would do and give them the land He promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God was their protector and would fight for them.)


Write each word of the memory verse on a post-it note and stick them somewhere where you’ll see them throughout the week (refrigerator, kitchen window, game room wall, etc.). Remove one sticky note every day and see if you can still say the verse! If you can, keep going until there are no post-its left!