Elementary // Thankfulness Week 4

Memory Verse:
“Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NLT)


Thankfulness: A grateful heart that comes from trusting God

Teaching Truth

We can be thankful for what God has done

Questions to Ask Your Child

READ LUKE 17:11-14

  1. Who did Jesus meet on his way to Jerusalem? (10 lepers) Was there anything these 10 lepers could do to heal themselves? (No, they were helpless.)

  2. What did they ask Jesus for? (They asked Jesus to show them mercy.) What is mercy? (Mercy is showing compassion even when others don’t deserve it.)

  3. How did Jesus heal them? What did He tell them to do? (He told them to go and show themselves to the priests. Only the priests in those days could say you were really healed and let them go home. They were not healed until after they started going to the temple.)

  4. Read Luke 17:15-19. What did one of the lepers do differently than the other nine? How did he show thankfulness? (When he realized he was healed, he ran back to Jesus to worship Him. The man knew it was Jesus that had healed him even though he didn’t deserve it.) Why do you think this one leper came back when the others didn’t?


As a family, make a paper chain of thankfulness. Cut strips of colored paper and write on each strip one reason you are thankful to Christ for what He’s done. Then, staple or tape the strips into links and make one long chain for your family. You can add to the chain all throughout the week! Display the chain somewhere at home where it will be a reminder of God’s great love for you.