Elementary // Thankfulness Week 1

Memory Verse:
“Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NLT)


Thankfulness: A grateful heart that comes from trusting God

Teaching Truth

We can be thankful for who God is

Questions to Ask Your Child


  1. Who spoke to Moses? What did God say to him? (God knew Moses and called him by name. God told him to take off his shoes because he was in a holy place.)

  2. If God were to come down and speak so you could hear Him, what would you want Him to say to you? Why?

  3. Look at verse 10. What amazing thing does God want Moses to do? (God tells Moses the He is going to send him to Pharaoh to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.) Look at verse 11. What was Moses worried about instead of being thankful? (He doesn’t think he is good enough to do what God is asking.)

  4. Reread verse 12. What amazing promises did God make to Moses? (God promised He would always be with him. He also promised that Moses and the Israelites would come back to this very mountain and give thanks to God.) Did everything God promise come true? (Yes! After the Israelites left Egypt, they returned to this same place and God gave Moses the law and the 10 Commandments.)


We can be thankful for who God is! Each time you come to a red light or stop sign, each person in the car must yell out one thing about God they are thankful for. You can take turns or all shout it out at once. God will hear it perfectly, either way! Try to think of a something different each time you stop!