Elementary // Self-Control Week 4

Memory Verse:
A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls. — Proverbs 25:28


Self-Control: Giving up my way and choosing God’s way.

Teaching Truth

We can choose to honor God with our minds.

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read Matthew 16:13-18 and 21-26. How did Peter fix his thoughts on godly things in the first half of the story but then miss the mark the second half?

  2. Read Philippians 4:8. Talk about what all these words mean. How can the Holy Spirit help us think about godly things?

  3. How do movies, TV, celebrities, music, commercials, etc. shape the way we think? Why does it matter what we fix our thoughts on?

  4. What is one thing you might have to give up in order to follow God’s way instead of your own with your thoughts?


Write each word of the memory verse (Proverbs 25:28) on an index card. Shuffle the cards together and see if you can put them in the correct order. Do it again, but time yourself to see how long it takes. You can even have a competition within your family to see who can do it the fastest!


Family Worldview Questions - Sanctity of Life

Read Genesis 1:27.

  • What makes human beings different than all the other living things God made?  We are made in the image of God.

  • What does it mean to be made in “the image of God”? We are special because God made us in His own likeness, to be similar to Him.

Read Psalm 139:13-14.

  • When did God create you? Before you were born, when you were still inside your mom.

  • How did God feel about you when he was making you even before you were born? He loved you and valued you. He called you wonderfully made!

  • Does God say that all people are wonderfully made? Yes! God made all people wonderful, no matter what their abilities or talents are. God loves them, and we can, too!

Recommended Resources

Focus on the Family-Teaching the Sanctity of Life

Focus on the Family-Raising Pro-Life Kids

The Bible Project-Image of God

Saddleback Kids-Creation