Elementary // Righteousness Week 3

Memory Verse:
“May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation - the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ - for this will bring much glory and praise to God.” Philippians 1:11 (NLT)


Righteousness: Being declared right in God’s sight and living in a way that honors Him

Teaching Truth

Pursuing righteousness leads to God’s best

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read Exodus 32:1-14. Did the Israelites choose to pursue righteousness and God’s best OR did they choose to go their own way? How? (They made an idol, a fake god, and worshipped it instead of the one true God. They broke the first commandment!)

  2. Why did God give the Israelites the 10 Commandments and want them to live His way? (He loved them so much and knew the best way to live because He is all-knowing. He wanted to have a relationship with them, and the Law showed them how.)

  3. Do you think God loves us and still knows what’s best for us? Why? What are some other things you know are true about God that help you trust His way is best?


Play “Spot the Lie” together. All around us, there are ads, commercials, stores, etc. that are trying to convince us to pursue a lot of things other than God. As you are out and about this week, see who can be the first to spot something that tells the lie, “Pursue this instead of (or apart from) God and you’ll find happiness.” You’ll spot a lot of things that will tempt you to pursue wealth to find contentment, experiences to find happiness, and other ways to look for satisfaction outside of what God says is best. Talk about why those things are lies (ex: they’re temporary) and see if anyone can remember a verse from God’s Word that tells the truth.