Elementary // Purpose Week 3

Memory Verse:
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. — Colossians 3:23


Purpose: Intentionally living for God.

Teaching Truth

Because we have purpose, we must tell the world the Good News.

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read Luke 2:25-35. Does it sound like Simeon trusted God’s purpose for him? Why? How excited do you think Simeon was when he realized God’s promise had come true? What did he do? If God promised you something as He did to Simeon, would you always be looking for what He promised?

  2. Read Luke 2:36-38. How do you think Anna knew what God had said about the coming Messiah? What did Anna do when she realized who Jesus was? What if you were Anna and got to meet Jesus personally? Who would you tell?

  3. If you have admitted you’re a sinner, believed that Jesus paid the price for your sin, and confessed that He is Lord of your life, you DO have a relationship with Jesus! Isn’t that something worth telling others about!?


Share the good news! Write a letter to a loved one or family member sharing the good news of Christmas. Pray for them and send the letter.