Elementary // Purpose Week 2

Memory Verse:
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. — Colossians 3:23


Purpose: Intentionally living for God.

Teaching Truth

Trusting in God and his word gives us purpose.

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read Luke 1:26-38 and Matthew 1:18-25. What similarities do you see between the angel’s visit to Mary and Joseph?

  2. Does God have a purpose for everyone? What do you think His purpose for you is? What scripture helps you remember God loves you and has a purpose for you?

  3. Talk about some verses from the Bible that remind you that God is trustworthy.


Read our memory verse for the month Colossians 3:23

Secret Servant: Take small pieces of paper and write down each family member’s name on a piece. Put them all in a hat or container. Each person in the family draws a name from the hat and does not show anyone whose name they drew (You cannot draw your own name). For the rest of the week, your mission is to do things that would serve or bless the person whose name you drew. But there’s a catch! You must do it secretly so that they don’t know who it is that is serving them.