Elementary // Purity Week 1

Memory Verse:
“Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10 (NLT)


Purity: Being clean and free from the power of sin

Teaching Truth

God is pure and He created all things pure

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read Genesis 1. What did God say every day about what He created? (“It was good”) Why was it so good? (It was good because God, who created it, is good, perfect, holy, and pure.)

  2. What was different about how God thought about His creation after He created people? (After He created people, He knew it was VERY GOOD.)

  3. What made God’s creation pure? Did Adam and Eve do anything to make it pure? (It was pure because our pure and perfect God created it pure. He made it just how He wanted and planned it to be. Even Adam and Eve were pure when God created them. In the beginning, everything was clean and free from sin!)

  4. What do you think Adam and Eve’s relationship with God was like? What do you think it was like to walk in the perfect garden with God?


As you drive, try to spot things that were created by God (trees, squirrels, clouds, etc.). What do you think we can we learn about God by looking at what He created and how He created it? (EXAMPLES: Everything in nature points to God’s character. We can see the power of God in waterfalls & thunderstorms and His beauty in sunsets. The stars in the sky reflect His greatness while spring rains & cool breezes show how God refreshes & renews us. Insects and flowers show us that God cares about the small details too.)