Elementary – Patience Week 3

Memory Verse:
Yet I am confident I will see the Lord’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living. Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord. — Psalm 27:13-14


Patience: Trusting and waiting on God in all things.

Scripture Reference

Genesis 42-45 (Joseph in the palace)

Teaching Truth

We can be patient because God’s plan is perfect.

Questions to Ask Your Child

Read Genesis 42:3-8, 18-25

  1. Who came to Egypt to buy food? (Joseph’s 10 older brothers) Joseph was 2nd in command in Egypt. What could he have done with them?

  2. How did Joseph show them patience instead? (He gave them food to take back and even returned all their money to them. He let all the brothers, except Simeon, go home to take care of their family. He told them to bring back their youngest brother, Benjamin, to prove they were telling the truth.

Read Genesis 45:3-8, 50:19-21

  1. Was God’s plan perfect? How did God use Joseph’s hardships for good? (He was sold as a slave by his own brothers and then falsely accused so he would end up in the exact same prison as the cupbearer. Even in hardships, he had a reputation of staying faithful to God and working hard. All this led him to Pharaoh who placed him in charge of Egypt during a very important time. God used Joseph’s patient endurance to save people, including the Israelites, according to His perfect plan.)


On various trips, as you’re driving this week, challenge your child(ren) to the quiet game but don’t tell them where you are going. Ask them to see how easy or hard it is to trust that you (mom or dad) know where you’re going and how to get there without asking questions, even if they don’t understand. Take them out for a treat (but don’t tell them that ahead of time). You can also do this by going somewhere you normally go but take a different route that they’re not familiar with. After you end up at your location, you can ask questions like “Was it easy or hard to trust me as the driver? Why or why not?” “Is it easy to trust that God is in control of our whole lives? Why or why not?”