Elementary // Obedience Week 4

Memory Verse:
"If you love me, obey my commandments." John 14:15 (NLT)


Obedience: Following God’s commands His way, right away, all the way

Teaching Truth

Don’t obey halfway, obey all the way

Questions to Ask Your Child


  1. What made Jericho hard to attack? (The  gates were tightly shut and a giant wall surrounded the city.)

  2. What specific instructions did God give Joshua? What were the Israelites supposed to do? (For 6 days, all the soldiers were to march around the city 1 time while 7 priests carried 7 rams’ horns in front of the ark. On the 7th day, march 7 times. The priests would blow the trumpets and then the whole army would yell.)


  1. Compare these verses to what God said in the first 5 verses. How did the Israelites obey God’s way? 

READ JOSHUA 6:15-16, 20-21, 27

  1. Look at verse 20. What happened when they followed God’s directions all the way? (The walls came down and the Israelites charged into the city and captured it!)

  2. How did God keep His promise to the Israelites? (He said that if they obeyed His instructions all the way then He would help them defeat Jericho. That’s exactly what happened!)


Use sidewalk chalk to practice this month’s memory verse (John 14:15 NLT). Have each person write out one word until you have the whole verse written out. Further down your driveway or sidewalk, try to draw out the memory verse using pictures instead of words. A little further down, try writing it out in a new handwriting or with the opposite hand, just for fun!