Elementary // Mercy Week 2

Memory Verse:
“But you, O Lord, are a God of compassion and mercy, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness.” Psalm 86:15 (NLT)


Mercy: Forgiving others even when they don’t deserve it.

Teaching Truth

We can ASK for mercy.

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Read Mark 10:46-52. Who needed mercy? Who gave mercy?

  2. What does this story teach you about Jesus and how He cares for people?

  3. When are some times that you need to ask for mercy?


Sometime this week, share your story of mercy with your kids. The story of how God captured your heart, opened your eyes to see your need for Him, and how He revealed His love for you. Tell them how God showed you mercy in His pursuit of you. Be specific with them about when you asked for God’s mercy in your life and how He was faithful to give it. Remember that stories are highly impactful, and your kids will love hearing your story and your confidence in the Lord!